Saturday morning daybreak, May 6th, 2023, was cool at 63F, with expected high temps of 81 and traditional humidity of 75%. With breaks in the overcast allowing enough sunlight through the hazy skies, it was sticky enough to consider mesh gear today.
Departure point is the Eureka QT, with show time of 0900, and 0930 KU planned.
Tom was first to arrive, as I found him with his F800 already in place.

I showed second, with my 1100, Sweetie. Slowly the group arrived in singles, with Mark on his 1250 GSA, then Ted on the R1250 RT;

Dan and Shari arrived on their 1250 RT, …

….closely followed by Dave with the slick red S1000XR.

John arrived with his R1250 GS, followed by Jim on the RT, and Glen with the K1600. Our group is now complete.

Section 1 took a familiar route South on 109, taking the right at the t-intersection, on FF.
Section 2 starts at FF and Lynch Rd, Byrnesville Rd, and NN crossing 30.
Section 3 after crossing 30 we intercept Graham, Local Hillsborough, House Springs, Glade Chapple Rd, Clayton Husky to Klondike, finally BB.
We finish the first leg at the QT in Hillsboro, after about 1 hour of riding.

Off and chasing

Or being chased:

A quick stop, some rehydration, stretch of legs, pit stops, the normal routine. Here is the break point in Hillsboro, MO, at the Casey’s.

Beginning Section 4 from the Hillsboro QT, Dan set a slower pace as the group savored the sites along Hillsboro Victoria Rd, south, crossing Joachim Creek, and continuing on Victoria Rd, which now has us head due east, towards Hwy 67.
Section 5 we then intercept CC to join Plattin Rd to cross Plattin Creek, and start aa large counter-clockwise loop that would eventually bring us back to the Plattin Creek crossing. This loop consisted of Plattin School Rd, Hwy T, then TT, crossing just over I55 to run northward on Hwy 61
Section 6, the furthest point SE from our start, begins northward to AA, crossing I55 once again, immediate south on a frontage road to Waggoner Rd, and finally TT west ;
Section 7 to Harness Rd and the Plattin Creek crossing. The trip finished with Plattin Rd north into Festus, and the cajon Taytro’s Bistro restaurant.
North on 61:

Winding westward on Harness Rd:

After about another hour of riding, we arrive at Taytro’s for lunch:

We were greeted at Taytro’s, by Tom and Georgia, who had arrived earlier on their RT, patiently waiting.

In our happy place, waiting for lunch:

Thanks to Dan and Shari for the lead.
Details at Rever: