The Gateway Riders conduct regular group rides. The ride date, meeting location, departure time, and destination is described on our Calendar page. We encourage all riders to become familiar with our group riding rules before embarking on a club ride.
You may find several Gateway Riders traveling to rally destinations, but usually the club does not plan these rides. Individual members will announce their plans at an event in advance of their departure.
Here is a handy guide for new members or guest riders who would like to attend a Gateway Rider group ride.
Preparation: Have a full tank of gas, dress appropriately, and make sure your bike is in good state of repair – including correct tire pressure. Arrive in time for the pre-ride meeting. (15 minutes prior to leaving). Provide the ride leader your name and emergency contact information.

1. You are responsible for your own safety. Do not cause any hazards to others. If at any time you do not feel the ride is being conducted in a safe manner, be sure the sweep rider sees you leaving the group and find your own way to the destination. Have a map or GPS to find your way.
2. If you leave the ride for any reason, pull over where the sweep rider can see you. They will stop and you can advise them of your intention to leave the group.
3. Do not rely on other riders’ actions to judge if it is safe for you to pass, pull out, etc. Make sure that you have adequate room and there is space for you in front of the vehicle you will pass.
4. You are responsible for keeping the rider behind you on the route. This means that if you make a turn and cannot see them, you must wait where they will see you before you proceed. You need to balance this with safety and pick a spot to wait that doesn’t expose you to danger.
5. Ride staggered when appropriate. Minimum following distance is 1 second to the rider staggered in front of you and 2 seconds to the rider directly in front of you. Don’t weave around in stagger formation, stay in position, either left or right of center. If the road gets curvy or the speed of the group increases, allow additional following distance or ride single file. Group size: 5-7 optimum. Lead at left of lane. Do not reverse directions unless necessary.
Groups may be broken into smaller sub-groups, if necessary:
6. Do not pass other riders in the group. If you wish to move ahead or back within the group, wait for a stop and work it out with those around you. The group leader is always first and the sweep is always last. They may occasionally move to center of lane for visual checks.
7. Do not block intersections, run red lights, or stop signs. Others will wait as you across the intersection.
8. The club strongly urges you to refrain from the use of alcohol or illicit or prescribed drugs or substances that could impair your abilities before and during the ride event.
9. Point out hazards with a hand or foot to warn other riders, but keep your visual focus on a safe path.
10. If you have a guest, please inform them of the road rules and ask them to ride in the position immediately behind the ride leader’s motorcycle.
11. If you’re not going on the ride, leave helmet off and wait until the group is out of sight before leaving.
12. If any issue of concern is noticed during your first group club ride, the ride leader will report this to the Membership Director, depending on the seriousness of the concern, the member can be put on a group ride hold.