President’s Column
By Jim Williams

This time last year I was writing about the upcoming Spring and getting ready for riding the new year. It seems as if our winter so far hasn’t proven to be just that. Our members have had a great winter of riding, and to them, kudos! I for one haven’t been riding; life just keeps getting in the way. This year might prove to be a busy one.
We’ve got a new website, with many amenities to boot. We’ve got two great volunteers to be our Rally Meisters this year and we are expecting good things from them.
I mentioned that life is getting in the way. I victimize myself of biting off more than I can chew. As we all have other interests: hobbies, clubs, fitness, photography, metal detecting, etc…, we get tugged away from riding and the love of freedom.
The one thing I’ve always thought was could I combine my interest and riding? Some of us have, if you’ve been fortunate enough to see the artwork that Mike Halbert has been producing lately, then count yourself lucky. A year a two ago, he was videoing Mick and himself during adventures on the bike….Jefferson Barracks, bicycling the trails, and lately with the use of a drone. He has a multitude of talent and skills that has blended his ability to not only complete a degree, but entertain us as well.
So where am I? I’m challenging members to find a creative way to inspire each other in a way that wasn’t there before. We might find out that we could have sparked a new way of enjoying our love of two wheels.
Ok, life just called and I’m on to another adventure…..see ya!