One of the things that I found appealing when I joined the Gateway Riders was the Gateway Gazette. Marilyn Roberts did an extraordinary job assembling and editing articles as well as photos. Her passing several years ago left a real void. I’d like to try and begin to return the Gazette it to those earlier days. I’m committed to have fresh content every month. Here’s some of what I hope to include in future issues:

1. Brief reports and/or photos of rides. Included could be destination, number of riders, and distance. Articles from YOU! Write a review of your latest farkle, recent ride experience. Document a maintenance procedure or repair on your bike. If you are interested in writing a monthly column, let me know.
2. I’d like to get a photo of each member ideally with his or her bike. Weather permitting, I’ll set up some lights at our picnic this Summer and we’ll shoot as many there as we can. This will be an ongoing project. I found these pictures very helpful when first joining the club.
3. We rarely get action shots on the bike. We might take time on a ride to find a picturesque tight turn, and get shots of each rider leaned over in that curve.
4. Recycling particularly good submissions from past Gazettes (see Larry Floyd’s hair-raising article in this issue).
5. Buy, sell or trade – this would be a forum to exchange items of interest
The road ahead looks bright for Gateway Riders. We have a membership made up of good, fun-loving folks, a dedicated Executive Committee and the promise of adding new riders to our ranks in the near future. A revitalized Gateway Gazette will be a part of that exciting future.