The 44th Falling Leaf Rally is just a few months away. Beginning Friday noon through Sunday morning 10 AM, October 11 – 13, 2019, hundreds of BMW motorcyclists will descend upon the Missouri Ozark town of Potosi for our annual rally.
The Gateway Riders have planned another jam-packed weekend of riding and rallying excitement including our popular Anvil Blast. Launching a steel anvil hundreds of feet in the air is an event you won’t want to miss.
“Anvil Launching” has become a Falling Leaf Rally tradition over the years. It’s somewhat of an athletic sport, where our brave anvil blaster pours a load of black powder between two anvils, lights a fuse, and runs like the devil before the blast launches the topmost anvil skyward.
Another great tradition is riding the twisty Ozark mountain paved and unpaved roads around Potosi, Missouri. Adventure riders can find lots of opportunities for back road challenges on fireroads in the Mark Twain Forest and gravel roads throughout the entire region.

We’re celebrating that adventurous streak in every off-road rider with our official 2019 Falling Leaf Rally pin which features a BMW 310GS design.
Our official rally pin is the rally “logo” and is used in several ways. We use it for customizing our many rally awards. The design usually shows up on our official rally t-shirt and we “reward” the first 500 rally attendees with a free rally pin for attending the Falling Leaf Rally.

This year we’ve added another fun giveaway in 2019. It’s a Falling Leaf Rally decal for your bike. Small, but powerful, now you can show everyone you’ve attended the premiere end of season BMW motorcycle rally of the year.
Mark your calendars to attend the Falling Leaf Rally October 11 – 13, 2019. Our club members are busy planning fun activities to ensure every rider has a great time during our rally. A free hot dog roast on Friday. Free endless coffee, tea, hot chocolate, and lemonade available all weekend. Free firewood for your campfire. Plus, there is on-site food available from the Lion’s Club. Plenty of vendors are coming too, including our local BMW dealership.
There will be a rider-led “GS” ride, self-guided observation ride, rider awards and a bike show for your pleasure. On Saturday we’ll have plenty of door prizes, a 50/50 drawing and a grand prize giveaway at our closing ceremony. You’ll have a blast at the 2019 Falling Leaf Rally.