- Check valve clearance
- Replace spark plugs
- Replace coolant
This procedure is similar to my last article in the club online Tech section (Jan.2017) plus coolant change. The coolant change is recommended bi-annually. I used pre-mix (50/50) M/C specific coolant. Because draining coolant is messy you may want to do it outside. After draining/filling I hosed off areas that were splashed/spilled with coolant. It’s slimy stuff.
I placed valve clearance specs/data on a form and filed it for future reference. I can provide the form used upon request. If clearances were out of spec I would have the shims replaced by the dealer because of the complexity and special tools required.
The spark plugs showed wear*, no contamination, and a brown color. Because they were originals I installed new OEM plugs I had on hand. I always apply some dry Moly-lube to plug threads. (*) 0.04” vs new 0.03” gap.
I could have used old valve cover gaskets with silicone but replaced them with OEM items.
The old silicone sealer from previous work was removed with care. Note that left/right gaskets are unique and center gaskets must be located so that notch aligns with notch in head.
For the coolant change I removed body

panels from both sides for access to the

radiator cap, lower hoses and cylinder drain plugs. After replacing hoses and drain plugs I filled the radiator slowly. After coolant topped the filler, I started the engine and allowed the fluid to lower, then repeated the fill, start again, fill until full. I replaced the cap tightly and ran the engine until the heat indicator stopped rising.

After the engine cooled, I checked the coolant

level. If it was at top I replaced the cap. Now for the “proof” ride around the block until the temperature stabilized and stopped and waited for the fan to run. If the temperature stays below alarm – success. If temperature rises to alarm level, allow the engine to cool and check the radiator, top-up and repeat road trials until there are no alarms – success. The last step wasn’t required, only the reservoir needed fluid. Make sure to check for leakage.
- Valve cover gaskets (typical BMW kit ~$70/side)
- Spark plugs (NGK LMAR8D-J) ~$10 at O’Reillys Auto
- Coolant 1.5 ltrs. (1.6 qts.) ~$17 at Cycle Gear
- Seal rings if lost or damaged
- T50, 30 & 25 torx bits or driver (valve cover, wire retainer & body panels)
- 14mm deep socket (plugs)
- Torque wrench 5-20 NewtonMeters minimum range (plugs & fasteners)
- 5mm hex bit (left cyl. coolant drain)
- 15mm hex socket (right cyl. coolant drain)
- Feeler gauges (0.10 to 0.041mm, 0.004 to 0.016 inches)
- Clearance record form
- 1 ft. rod or long Phillips screwdriver (determine TDC)
- Large & small drain pans (coolant & oil)
- Coolant/oil clean-up items: clean water, mop & rags, non-chlorinated cleaner.
- Service Manual is almost necessary and recommended. (BMW CD or Haynes book)